Visualizing Perspective Transformation to NDC

Perspective projection is a fundamental concept in 3D graphics. This transformation, akin to morphing a view frustum shape into a cube—known as Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC)—, generates a realistic foreshortening effect when applied to all scene vertices. The visualization below showcases this transformation on a set of cajas, rendered with a custom shader for shape morphing and viewed from a third-person perspective using a secondary camera, which enables the display of the main view frustum....

March 1, 2024 · 4 min · Theme PaperMod

GPU-based Photomosaic

This demo visualization shows a photomosaic (& videomosaic) implemented in hardware: (press r to randomly pick another painting) Strategy A palette is built in software, comprising an array of paintings sorted in ascending order based on a selected lightness metric as the sorting criterion. The low-resolution texel produced by the pixelator (specifically, texture2D(source, stepCoord)) is then employed as a lookup key to sample the palette during the rendering of the mosaic tiles within the fragment shader....

September 2, 2023 · 2 min · Theme PaperMod